
Our youth are very important to the life and ministry of this church. Youth (7th Grade – 12th Grade) meet each Wednesday beginning at 6:00pm for dinner, and a time for a lesson and games.

The youth are collecting items for Blessing Bags. The idea is to keep a few “Blessing Bags” in your car so that when you do happen to see someone on the streets who is homeless, you can hand them a Blessing Bag. Here is a list of items they are collecting. You can drop these off at the church.

Gallon size Ziplock bags
chap stick
packages of tissues
toothbrush and toothpaste
Individual packets of trail mix
granola bars
Individual packets of crackers
pack of gum
band aids
coins (could be used to make a phone call, or purchase a food item)
hand wipes
maybe also a pair of socks

THIS FALL our youth are going to be participating in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine.

Click this link (and watch video below) to learn about the incredible experience.



All adults and youth 7thGrade and older along with their parents are invited to attend any and all classes.
Bring your Bible, pen, and paper to take notes.

Wednesday Nights in the Ark
at Red Lick FUMC
Dinner 6pm, Class 6:30-8pm

The Doctrine of God
The Doctrine of Creation
The Doctrine of Incarnation
The Doctrine of Salvation
The Doctrine, History, and Polity of the United Methodist Church
The Doctrine of the Spirit
The Doctrine of the Church
The Doctrine of the Last Things and Confirmation Rehearsal

Confirmation Sunday*

*Those seeking to be confirmed should meet with Pastor Ryan as soon as possible and plan to attend all classes.

For more information, contact Pastor Ryan:
Church: 903-838-7430


Click here to find out why Confirmation is important and what United Methodists Believe about Confirmation

Chuck Knows Church video (1) about Confirmation

Chuck Knows Church video (2) about Confirmation